Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Truman Show Argument Essay

LaGuardia College
Aaron Straker

                I think that it is possible for this to happen.  The most significant thing from the passage “Life imitates art as “Truman Syndrome” diagnosed.  Was “Meanwhile, researchers in London described a “Truman Syndrome” a patient in British Journal Psychiatry in August.  The 26 year old postman “had a sense the world was slightly unreal, as if he was the eponymous hero in the film” the researchers wrote.  This is significant because movies do all sorts of things shock, surprise, scare, anger and make audiences very unhappy.  But never has a film worked on this level.  This person actually thinks that he’s Truman from the movie. 
                When I was younger I came out of the movies feeling like the main character.  But what kid doesn’t that happen to.  On the other hand this was a grown man he was actually 26 years old.  The movie actually messed with his head.  Till the point he was mentally ill.  It makes you think is this movie too smart for our current society.  Movies like this are messing with people’s minds until they think it’s going to happen to them very soon.  Or this has been happening to them all there life.  People are really scared of the lack privacy.  Everyone needs their privacy or else they’ll go mad.  At the beginning of the movie Truman was calm until he started figuring things out.  Also when the giant of metal (light) fell out of the sky.  Then he heard people saying his every move when he was driving.  This is when he was listening to the radio.
                The significant thing is how this movie makes people mentally ill.  Many movies have had psychological impact on people.  The only ones I can think of are horror movies.  Psycho made audiences afraid of showers, The Exorcist made some people faint, Jaws made audiences afraid to go in the water and Alien made people vomit.  But everyone eventually recovered from these movies over time.  These are horror movies that don’t even mentally ill.  The Truman Show is a funny satire that makes some people go crazy.  Probably because it connects with the world we live in today.  The Truman Show came out in 1998 and is probably even more important today.  Many people are suffering from this.
                Another thought could be technology is getting so advanced people can’t believe it.  From “Life Imitates art as “Truman Syndrome” diagnosed “ Several recent studies have chronicled delusions entwined with the Internet such as a patient in Austria who believed she had become a walking webcam.  This is similar to 1984 the government knows everything your thinking and doing.  Also from what you’re looking at on the internet.
                The most significant things can have a big impact on your life.  The Truman Show has changed many people’s lives.  Also made some mentally ill.  But mostly it has changed the way people view certain things.  From the article “Vaughan Bell, a psychologist who has researched Internet-related delusions, said one of his former patients believed he was in the virtual-reality universe portrayed in the 1999 blockbuster the Matrix.  Showing there’s a connection between culture and everyone’s mental health.  

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